Together we will keep their star shining bright
Hello friends & family,
I am sharing this page with you as someone I love and care about deeply has been affected by blood cancer.
I want to honour their memory by lighting the way for future Australians affected by blood cancer by supporting the work of the Leukaemia Foundation. And I want a future where no lives are lost to blood cancer.
A donation in memory of our loved one means their legacy will have a lasting impact for years to come.
Their life will continue to help all Australians with blood cancer access the best treatments, care and support they need to survive, and thrive no matter their background or where they live. Their legacy will power ground-breaking research meaning fewer families will be going through what we are in the future.
Please help me honour their legacy by using the 'Donate' button. The more people who know about the Leukaemia Foundation's work, the greater their impact, so please spread the word by sharing my page with your friends, family and colleagues.
Thank you in advance for your generosity. You will be giving an incredible gift of hope.
Thank you for your kind support
Sue Butson
Margaret Hewitt
Our life is a gift - Trish, Ken and family have shown us how it should be lived..........
The Martoo’s
Brad Neill
Renae Polson
Sorry I was unable to make it, was thinking of you all.

Darren O'neill
Hi Renee, you won't remember me, but my mum Helen is your Dad's cousin. I have lovely fond memories of your mother as Trish was always so kind. Please send my condolences to your Dad and your brother Jason and the rest of the family. Sending love at this time. X Darren
Chris & Kim Tozer
Ann Johnston
In memory

John & Trish Kuczynski
Ross Bellenger
Shaun & Mel Yeo
In loving memory of Trish. 🤍
Donnamaree O’neill
Dearest Renee, your incredible mum over come some many challenges and fought like no other. Her strength and courage was simply magical. To have you standing beside her during this journey shows you have the same strength and courage she had. I’m one very grateful person to be able to call you Mum and Dad my friend.
Kerry Morris
Shellbie,darren And Families
What an Amazing Tribute ❤️ for an Amazing woman.
John And Dee Friend
Thinking of you all

Tammy White
Jennifer Bilson
M Hodge
Justin Abel
Lucille Macdonald
What a legend you mum was still giving back xxx