Together we will keep their star shining bright
To our dearest family and friends,
As you now know, Mum died peacefully without pain on 28 May 2022.
In 2019, Mum was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia (CLL) and we were told it was going to be all ok - it was chronic and Mum would probably die with it rather than from it. She did incredibly well with it, she stayed well and strong even when going through chemo.
In March this year, she was admitted to hospital with an infection which was scary in itself but she made a 98% recovery - had some lingering side affects that cleared after about 2 weeks. Then following this, those same lingering side affects came back and it was awful for Mum - she was fatigued and couldn’t do much. She then went to go get some tests that came back clear but she still wasn’t well. So, on Monday the 16th Nick got Mum an ambulance and she went back to hospital to find out what was happening. Sadly, she kept getting worse and on Friday the 27th, we were told by the doctors that Mum had an extremely rare and agressive form of lymphoma. This lead the doctors to recommend that Mum shouldn’t have treatment as it would be too much for Mum’s body to handle. With this news, Mum, who had been ready to go for a week, made the decision to go peacefully. She had Nick, Charles, Steve and I surrounding her with nothing but love.
We will miss her more than words can describe - she was the most incredible woman who touched all the lives of those around her. There was no one else like her.
For all of you who are so wonderful and want to do something for Mum, in lieu of flowers, please donate to the Leukemia Foundation. While this hasn’t been a resource for us, we feel this is best way to make a difference. Research into CLL transformation would make a world of difference to those people who are unexpectedly faced with a changed and confronting diagnosis.
Thank you, all our love and gratitude ❤️
About the Leukemia Foundation and what a donation will mean:
I want to honour Mum’s memory by lighting the way for future Australians affected by blood cancer by supporting the work of the Leukaemia Foundation. And I want a future where no lives are lost to blood cancer.
A donation in memory of our loved one means their legacy will have a lasting impact for years to come.
Their life will continue to help all Australians with blood cancer access the best treatments, care and support they need to survive, and thrive no matter their background or where they live. Their legacy will power ground-breaking research meaning fewer families will be going through what we are in the future.
Please help me honour their legacy by using the 'Donate' button. The more people who know about the Leukaemia Foundation's work, the greater their impact, so please spread the word by sharing my page with your friends, family and colleagues.
Thank you in advance for your generosity. You will be giving an incredible gift of hope.
Thank you for your kind support
Em Best
Madame Boshier was the best teacher I ever had. She was such a special woman and I’m so devastated by her loss. Sending all the love in the world to her family in this sad time.
Lauren Lumsden
I’m lucky to have been taught French by this wonderful woman throughout my high school years. She was motivating, fun and had a great sense of humour!
Isobel Sands
Madame Boshier was such a special teacher who was so kind and warm while always seeming glamorous! I feel so lucky to have been taught by her and am very sorry for your loss
Catriona Mackay
Sending my love to the Boshier clan. So many happy and warm memories of Margie xx
Sally Freeman
Jo Palmer
Warm loving memories of Margie. Many giggles and good times shared. The Leukaemia foundation was a very supportive charity to me when I lost my mum. With love to everyone. Xo
Lyn Hills
So sorry to hear of Margie's passing - she was a fabulous colleague
Emilia, Andrew And Reuben Howard
We loved Margie dearly and always will. Someone so full of life and with so much to give taken too soon. So much love to all the family xxxxx
Chrissie Grün
No words will be able to do justice to say just how fortunate I feel to have had Margie in my world. We are better people for having her in our lives. You will be dearly missed Margie xx
Ash Bortz
Libby Brough
In memory of a much valued colleague.
Amelia & Andrew Manetakis
Jennifer & David Richards
Jessie, our hearts break with you and the family. When "Mrs Boshier" walked into the room, she lit it with such joy and life. Thinking of you in such a difficult time.
Mick & Robyn Boyce
With fond memories and love Mick & Robyn
Kerry Wade & Phil Lyons
Dear Jess, Steve & Family, Phil and I were extremely saddened to hear, from Peter, of Margie’s death. A terrible loss for you and in particular your beautiful little girls, Florence & Marigold. We are thinking of you all. Deepest sympathy Kerry & Phil
Aliette Boshier
Sending our love to you all in memory of Margie. xxx
Matt Hill
Donating in leu of a birthday gift for John Keetley.
Jeremy Brull
Danielle Marks
Lots of love to you and your fam xx
Diana & David Robinson
Thank you Jessie, it was a privilege for us to join the celebration of Margie's life on Friday last. For her family, she was a shining example. For her countless friends, she was true and highly valued. She will be greatly missed by all, but leaves many happy memories of times enjoyed together.
Deb And Bill D’apice
We adored Margie. She was simply fabulous. So sad we will never again enjoy her sparkling company. Our best to you Jessie. She loved you dearly.
Debra Wilson
Hi jessie' Thank you for the amazing celebration of Margie's life yesterday. She would be (was) so proud of you. I have so many fond memeries of times spent with your mum. I feel truly blessed to have known and shared so much with her.
Yvette Matthews
Beautiful in every way and will never be forgotten.
Rachael Roberts
Lots of love Jessie, thinking of you at such a hard time. Rachael (Jenny’s sister) xoxo

Jessica Robinson
Mrs Bosh holds such a beautiful place in our memory! I never would have thought learning english grammar in French classes could be so much fun. Much love to JBo, Steve, Goldie and Flo and the Boshier family xx
Alice Strauss
Madame Boshier was a very special teacher who inspired a love of French and France among everyone she taught. I will always be grateful to have had the opportunity to go on exchange because of her.
Martyn And Pamela Hurley
Our thoughts are with you and all the family at this sad time.
Paul Ayre
Much love to you all xx
Mary Jo & Lloyd Capps
No words - but so many wonderful memories
Bron Calcraft
Melinda Rundle
With love to you and all your family, Jessie. Margie's bright spirit of kindness, generosity and genuine care has touched so many, and we are grateful to have known and loved her. She will be forever in our hearts.
Joy And John Yeo And Family
In loving memory of a beautiful colleague, teacher and dear, dear friend, Love from Joy, John, Liz, Rosie, Nell and Jonathan Yeo and Sky Boe

Olivia Harris
Madame Boshier was an incredible teacher. I feel very lucky to have been taught by her. Sending love and light to her family.

Georgia Macbeth
Lots of love to you and the family Jessie. Every moment spent in your mum's company was an absolute joy. She will be very much missed. She had a wickedly funny, irreverent sense of humour, but at the same time a profound integrity and empathy for others. Everything was just that little bit classier in the Roseville staffroom when Baroness Boshier was around x Georgia

Juliet Lucy
In memory of the amazing Margie Boshier! Much loved and much missed xxx
Penny Walsh
Magnificent Margie! Even her cheeky giggle was classy. How one woman could fit so much into life amazes me. Dedicated to her family, an outspoken voice for what truly matters in education and a “divine” friend. The heart of Roseville aches in grief with your family Jessie.
Alyson Fletcher
Much love to you, Jess, and all the family mourning the loss of your beautiful mother.
Maxine Chandler
Jessie I am sorry to read of your loss. It is a while since I have caught up with Mum but we had so much fun together at school at St Hildas and later at reunions. She was always bright and happy. My thoughts and prayers are with you all today and the time ahead when I know you will miss her so much. My deepest sympathy Maxine
Winley Family
Our thoughts are with you
Jasmine Dwyer

Ash Bortz
Madame Boshier was an inspirational teacher, mentor, and friend. Her zest for life, generosity, and passion for teaching made her a truly remarkable woman. She was loved by many and will be sorely missed. "But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart." - The Little Prince.
Heather Gray
My lovely Jessie, how sad you must all be. Your Mum and Dad both remembered so fondly by the Grays. Sending love Heather
Nick And Krys Malpass
Jessie and Steve, we only met your Mum once but we know how much she meant to everyone around her. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. All our love Nick and Krys
Eliza Barnes
Angie Cooper
Belinda Mcwilliam
Margie was a great teacher and after school it was always fabulous to see her bright and happy, ready for a chat… she also taught my daughter Sam.
King Family
Margie was an amazing teacher. mentor, and friend to our family. She will be so missed. Sending our deepest sympathy to the Boshier family.
Elaine Russell
Margie was a very special person. The most kind and caring person I have ever met. Always full of fun and such a fashion icon too. Will miss her so much.

Carmel Rix
Margie was very loved and will be deeply missed. A true privilege to call Margie my friend. All my love to the family.

Kristy Donaldson

James & Vickii Scott
Sparkling Margie! Beautiful, elegant, dedicated, kind, gracious and wise. Absolute class and so much fun. Our sincere and heartfelt condolences.
Emily Dong
Madame Boshier was the picture of class and poise. Her witty humour made French my absolute favourite class at school and I’ve been inspired to continue learning it to this day. She will be so missed.
Dear Jessie Such a hard loss. Margie was so proud of her family and was a loyal friend and exceptional teacher. Her love of people, kindness, courage and her zest for the good things in life are treasured in our memories.
Kirsty Watkins
Thank you Jessie and all the family for setting this up. Your Mum was a truly inspiring teacher and her legacy will certainly live on in all the students who had the pleasure to learn from her.
Fran Wicks
Her kindness had no bounds - I will not forget her selflessness - in my own valley last year she reached out with meals and messages and coffees. We need more Margies in this world. Sending lots of love xx
Your mum was an amazing teacher and friend to so many. She will live on in the lives of all those she touched, including mine. RIP Margie❤️
Megan Walker
My thoughts are with you and your family, Jessie. Margie was an inspiring teacher and person who will be deeply missed by all of us lucky to have been taught by her.
Honor Keatley
Vivacious, oozing positivity and fun. The most amazing smile and twinkling eyes. An absolute joy to have known. What a woman!
Honor Keatley
Asked by Matt, brother in law to donate instead of buying him a birthday present. In memory of a wonderful lady.
Charlotte Marks
Very lucky to have known her 🤍
Lucy Gattas
In memory of a wonderful, caring teacher and friend who will be dearly missed
Caitlin Baksa
Margie Collins
Margie was such a great woman- always caring and with a great sense of fun. Thinking of you all at such a sad time. So many happy memories of both her and Graham xx
Andrew, Susannah & Byron
Alisa Hazeldine
In memory of such a beautiful, generous and loving person. Always remembered and never forgotten. Sending much love to all the family and the fluffy ones at such a difficult time.

Shane Hamilton
What a loss to so many. I will miss bumping into Margie at the shops and Pattisons cafe. Always interested in others, generous, wickedly funny and a devoted advocate for her staff and her department. Xx
Faen Maccormick
Aleks Malpass-arthurs
Our thoughts are with you. Lots of love Aleks, Myles, Harry & Elliott xxx
Leah Poulton-baric
Hannah Elstub
Xanthie And Camille Volckmar
Madame Boshier was a special friend and inspiring teacher to both of us. Our whole family loved her and we will always cherish our memories of her.
Michelle Lye
Elizabeth Fuller
Margie was an inspiring teacher and wonderful colleague and friend. She will be greatly missed - always in our hearts and memories.
Kate Jones
Sending huge amounts of love and to you all. I'm so sorry.
Katie Betts
Remembering a teacher who meant so much to me during my high school years. She was always so generous with her support. She will be missed.
Zoe Mclaughlin
Michelle Nagy
In memory of a beautiful lady, a kind soul and a great teacher. ❤️
Jennifer Lee
If you would give me pass to indulge my Irish heritage, I was quoting W B Yeats to Angela that says better than I can what Margie meant to so many-:" But who can say how life begins or ends, Just say our glory was we had such a friend." Margie was glorious to know.
Noni Katada
A gorgeous soul. Margie was an inspiration to so many of us. Loving, intelligent, witty, classy and she had a heart of gold.
Jennifer Lee
If you would give me pass to indulge my Irish heritage, I was quoting W B Yeats to Angela that says better than I can what Margie meant to so many-:" But who can say how life begins or ends, Just say our glory was we had such a friend." Margie was glorious to know.
For Nick and family, at this time of deep loss, my thoughts are with you. With best wishes, Greer

Janine Ramsay
Such a wonderful woman. Always so happy. She lit up any room she was in. She will be missed by us all.

Jake Cummins
I'm so sorry for you loss Charles and family. Thinking of you all ❤️
Aniela Swiatek
Sending lots of love to you and your family, Jessie.
Carol Strom
Jess Rix
Margie was a shining light, and I feel so grateful to have known and loved her for so many years. She will leave a big hole in all of our lives, and she would be so proud of you all for raising money for leukemia in her memory. Sending so much love xxx

Karen Thackray
Your gorgeous one of a kind mum. Devastating loss to the world! Every room she brightened with fabulousness and wit. All my love and strength to you and your family Jessie. I’m broken for you xxx
Christy Seddon
Thank you for sharing this story and setting this up so we can contribute to her legacy. I've still been so looking forward to catching up with your lovely Mum. I'll cherish the memories. Sending lots of love, xx
Eliza Kemp
May your beautiful mum rest in peace and be reunited with your dad so they can watch over you all. Lots of love Eliza, shane, fitzy & Tom xxx
Hayley Patience
The classiest woman. Such a loss for all of those who loved her. Much love to you all x
Ash Richards
Thinking of you and the family Jessie.
James Tynan
Sending a lot of love to your beautiful family
Tiffany Moon
Jess M
I have very fond memories of your mum Jessie, such a loving caring teacher and person. Sending all our love to you and your family at this time. Jess
The best teacher and a caring friend. Rest In Peace ❤️