Together we will keep their star shining bright
Hello friends & family,
Don passed away on early Saturday 11 September 2021 after a long hard fight with cancer.
Rather than flowers, the family would appreciate donations to the Leukaemia Foundation in his memory, lighting the way for future Australians affected by blood cancer by supporting the work of the Leukaemia Foundation, as we wish to support work towards a future where no lives are lost to cancer.
A donation in memory of Donald means his legacy will have a lasting impact for years to come. Please help us honour his legacy by using the 'Donate' button.
Thank you in advance for your generosity. You will be giving an incredible gift of hope.
Thank you for your kind support
Denise Pierce

Sheree Anderson
For my dear father

The Bells
Love and support for all.

Farnham Family

Marj Musgrave
Rodney And Sue Woodhart
Hi Val so sorry for your loss. Don will be missed sending love to you and your famuly
Carmel And Doug Matheson
Don, you were always a gentleman and loved by so many, you'll be sorely missed. So glad you were able to have the family together one last time. xxx
Jennifer Lister & Family
Thinking of you Val, Cheryl,Sheree,Kaye & Jeff and families at this sad time.
John And Kaye Laurence
Bruce Anderson
Cheryl & Daryl
In loving memory of my Dad

Rosemary Hodges
Loving memories of Max's dear cousin. May he rest in peace. Love to you
Cheryl And Gary
Love to you Val and to Cheryl and family.
Harris Family
Our deepest sympathies. We pray that he rests in peace.
Peter Fraser

Ronja Schmidt
To my Australian Grandpa, whom I loved so dearly.
Scott Lang
In honour of my friend Kaye, and her pride in the father who loved her and his family.
Dellie & Mick
Fond memories of a gentle soul. RIP
Laura Thoms
Love you Gramps. 🤍

In memory of a wonderful man Don Anderson