Together we will keep their star shining bright
Hello friends and family,
We are sharing this page with you as a way to pay tribute to Sue’s life and her incredible battle with blood cancer.
We want to honour Sue’s life and the way she touched us all with her generosity, character and incredible warmth by lighting the way for future Australians affected by blood cancer through supporting the work of the Leukaemia Foundation. We want a future where no other families lose their beautiful loved ones to blood cancer.
A donation in memory of our beautiful Sue means her legacy will have a lasting impact for years to come.
Sue’s life and your donations will continue to help all Australians with blood cancer access the best treatments, care and support they need to survive and thrive no matter their background or where they live. She’s legacy will power ground-breaking research meaning fewer families will be going through what we are in the future.
Please help us honour Sue’s legacy by using the 'Donate' button. The more people who know about the Leukaemia Foundation's work, the greater the impact. Please spread the word by sharing our page with your friends, family and colleagues.
Thank you in advance for your generosity. You will be giving an incredible gift of hope in honour of Sue’s life and her beautiful soul.
Tim and the Morris family
Thank you for your kind support
Natalie Kessell
Jackie Bern
To know such a warm, inviting welcoming and brave angel as Sue was an absolute honour.
Keep your head up
Annabel Fisher
In memory of my dearest friend Sue with love
Dena Laidler
Keep caravanning and I’m sure Sue will be with you all the way! ❤️
Jane Morris
Thinking of you all as you celebrate Sue’s life together.
Tel And Wendy Williams
Thank you Tel and Wendy for the cash donation; I have deposited it on your behalf.
Thank you for the opportunity for the SSS family to gather and honour Sue. I will always remember Sue’s radiant joy and warmth. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time.
Will Neethling
Tim, we’ve lost one of the most beautiful amazing women I’ve known. Words can’t describe the loss. The memories and inspiration we take from the memories are what will inspire us and remind us of that special lady!

Beautiful lady……