In loving memory of Jurgen Zoller

By Zoller Family

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Jurgen's Story

Jurgen was a happy husband, father & friend. He was a fit healthy guy who worked as a radiographer & he was a very talented amateur leuthier.
Jurgen survived lymphoma 20 years ago and went on to live a full, happy life. In 2022 a routine blood test showed a low white blood count. This was closely monitored until Jurgen's specialist advised a bone marrow biopsy was required. It turned out the chemo He had received 20years ago had damaged his bone marrow.
Jurgen had no symptoms, was not sick in any way, so it was advised that a bone marrow transplant would be the best option, and this was to happen whilst Jurgen was strong & healthy.
After months of tests, Jurgen was approved for the transplant as he was in exceptional health, so the thought was he should make a full recovery.
Jurgen went into hospital in February 2023. He endured a lot, the transplant was gruelling...but it was a success. On our son's birthday, Jurgen's new white cell count came bouncing back, with amazing results. The word on the transplant ward was that they hadn't seen such strong results in a long was a success!!
Jurgen was told he would be going home on April 1.
Heartbreakingly, without our knowledge, Jurgen had been exposed to a deadly fungal infection during his hospital treatment and his conditioned dramatically changed. 
We lost our beautiful, strong, brave guy on April 3rd.
We are continuing to raise money in his memory in the hope Jurgen can help others. 
Please donate 🙏 

Together we will keep their star shining bright

Hello friends & friends

We want to honour Jurgen's memory by lighting the way for future Australians affected by blood diseases by supporting the work of the Leukaemia Foundation.

 And we want a future where no lives are lost to blood diseases/ cancers.

A donation in memory of Jurgen  means his legacy will have a lasting impact for years to come.

His life will continue to help all Australians with blood diseases/ cancer access the best treatments, care and support they need to survive, and thrive no matter their background or where they live. 

His legacy will power ground-breaking research meaning fewer families will be going through what we are in the future.

Please help us honourtJurgen's legacy by using the 'Donate' button. The more people who know about the Leukaemia Foundation's work, the greater their impact, so please spread the word by sharing our page with your friends, family and colleagues.

Thank you in advance for your generosity. You will be giving an incredible gift of hope.

Thank you for your kind support


Guitar Builders Collective

Jurgs cup 2 profits


Guitar Builders Collective

Merch sales from the guitar builders collective- JURGS CUP 2


Mick Allen


Guitar Builders Collective

Much love gbc



Much love from the gbc




Guitar Builders Collective

More merch sales


Guitar Builders Collective

Much love from the gbc More proceeds from the sales of shirts in Jurgens memory


Gregory Amos

Condolences, I’ll miss his wit and lack of pc immensely


Phillip Mcknight


Guitar Builders Collective

Proceeds from the Jurgen T-shirt sales and the Jurgs cup, more to come


Emma Breebaart



Al, Jacinta And Ruby

We’ll always remember him x x Love to you all


Trang Tran

I’m sorry for your loss. RIP Jurgs xx


Arran Adair

Will be sadly missed. Love and thoughts to his family.


Tinsley Family

Condolences to the Zoller Family. I don't think anyone could have a conversation with Jurgs in which the pride of his family didn't shine through. It was what defined him and he loved you all so fiercely. We are so very sorry for your loss. xxx


Narelle Jones

Dani, Jess, Jacob, Chloe & all the family, we are thinking of you. Hold your memories of Jurgen close and he will always only be a thought away Rel & Al 💙💙💙



Sending you all my love xxx


Grace Delgado

We are so sorry we couldn't be there with you but we will be watching it. Sending our condolences and love from Grace Delgado and family ❤️



Love n hugs




Chris Franklyn

Such a massive loss. I'll miss him loads.


Ailish Miller

My deepest condolences Dani and family xx



Much love to you guys


Jules Clarke

My love and thoughts are with you all. Jurgs was a great friend who I will miss dearly.


Angie & Matthew Jones

So very sorry for your loss. Thinking of you all with love & prayers


Jules Barry

My deepest condolences to all Jurgen’s family and friends. Sending love and big warm hugs during this devastating time. I’ll always remember Jurgen and the fun and laughs we had in our uni days. Take care xo