In memory of Maddy Marshall


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Together we will keep their star shining bright

Hello friends & family,

We are sharing this page with you as our dearest Maddy's journey with blood cancer has ended with her passing.

We want to honour her memory by lighting the way for future Australians affected by blood cancer by supporting the work of the Leukaemia Foundation. And we want a future where no lives are lost to blood cancer.

A donation in memory of Maddy means will have a lasting impact for years to come.  This will continue to help all Australians with blood cancer access the best treatments, care and support they need to survive, and thrive no matter their background or where they live, just as it has helped us in our journey with Maddy these past four and a half years. This donation will also power ground-breaking research meaning fewer families will be going through what we have in the future.

Please help us honour Maddy by using the 'Donate' button. The more people who know about the Leukaemia Foundation's work, the greater their impact, so please spread the word by sharing our page with your friends, family and colleagues.

Thank you in advance for your generosity. You will be giving an incredible gift of hope.

Robyn and Adrian

Thank you for your kind support


Flow Mountain Bike - Mick Ross

Thanks to Ella Bloor for sharing her journey cycling from Perth to Sydney, inspired by the loss of her friend, Maddy. Best wishes - the Flow MTB team.


Jenni Vild

What an effort Ella. You are amazing


Travis Rich



Sai Lyons


Mum And Dad

another year passes without your light shining within this world. This donation is again to help those who have to have the strength and courage you displayed to just get by, so that they will not have to just get by, but have true hope of being cured.


Mark Staples

I did not know Maddy but through knowing you Adrian I know Maddy must have been a very special person. All my love to you and Robyn.


Jo And Scott Brown

Our precious Maddie. Your courage your optimism your beautiful nature will never be forgotten.



My love, thoughts, and prayers are with you all today ❤️


Adrian And Robyn

A year since we lost our dearest Maddy. This donation is to help others so that those with AML can survive and their families don't experience the enormity of loss that this disease can cause


L3harris Communications Australia Pty Ltd

In the short time that Madeline was here she was a valued team member. Madeline was a lovely and intelligent young lady; we send our sincere condolences.




Meagan Farley

I feel so blessed to have been apart of Maddy’s life ❤️








Audrey & Andy




Jane & David Rudgley

May scientists make further progress to stop this terrible cancer & other cancers. Sending love to you & the family.


Debra Galwey

What a wonderful legacy Maddy leaves by asking friends and family to pledge to help others who have this awful disease. This pledge is from the Holland family (Mum, sisters, cousins and their partners and children).


Charles Wann



Dear Adrian and Robyn, Our sincerest condolences for the loss of beautiful Maddy.



An inspiring legacy of Maddy's strength in life and joy in character - our heart felt condolence


Brian Macdonald




Liam Gherlenda






Megan Frankel


Allana Smith


Miles Franklin P&c Association Inc


Indre Hayward


Heather Fumini

Thinking of you and your family at this difficult time



Always in our hearts 💕






Patrick Robinson

Love from jar


Matt Surman

With love from Nightjar



With love from nightjar


Kyriel Pope

With love from Nightjar 🤍


Luci Thearle



Cor Asada




Linda Fryer

Sending my love x




Nic Moyle






Mcalister Family

Very lucky to have been a part of Maddy’s life and to have some great memories with her! Xx


Declan Prosser

Very sorry for your loss


Chris Jefferys




Nathanael Rizzo


Tia And Mike


Sophie Clark


Ayla And Cameron

Sending all our love. Maddy could light up any room - may her light shine on xx


Rebecca Jefferys

You are all in our thoughts and prayers during this time. May you find strength through your fabulous memories with Maddy. Love Rebecca, Nigel, Christopher & Ashley


Wendy Butterworth

My thoughts are with you all. We should never have to outlive our children. May you have the strength to see the joy in life again soon.


Will Unwin


Bernard Kane


Jacobs Beca Msp Team


Karen Stanbury

What a beautiful way to honour Maddy. My deepest condolences to you and your family.


Liv And Chris ?


Zoe Sorenson


Nicholls Family

Maddy was a young woman with huge spirit and tenacity. Our thoughts, love and prayers are with you all.



I only worked with Maddie for a short time, it was fantastic to have known her.


Madelein De Jager



Sending our love to you all. We had the pleasure of working with maddie a few years ago prior to her move to QLD. She was a vibrant team member and we are so sad to hear of her passing. Love from the leadership hub and the wider KPMG team.


Mary Liondi-barlow


Elizabeth And John K

Thinking of you and hoping that your many wonderful memories of Maddy bring you joy and happiness


Peter, Liz, Emma And Matt

Maddy is so amazing and an inspiration to us all. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.




Karthikeyan Durairaj

Adrian, Sorry for this great loss. My thoughts are with you and family.


Nat Redmond

Love to Maddy and family.


Alexandra Manly

May her light live on 🤍🕊


Chris Mutton


Jeppesen Family

So grateful to have had the opportunity to have Maddy in our lives. She was an amazing young lady and an inspiration to many. Our best wishes to all the family, friends and special people in her life at this difficult time. xx


Hannah & Dan Weber

Lots of love for our Maddy x


Trek Bikes Anz

Our thoughts and deepest sympathy go to the Marshall family from the Trek Bikes family.


Demons Softball Club

We are so sorry to hear of Maddy’s passing. Whilst most of us only met Maddy once or twice, she was always smiling and radiated good vibes. Lots of love and light to Gabby and the Marshall family, from your Demons crew xo


Dan F

Deeply saddened to hear of Maddy's passing. Thoughts and prayers for your family.


Jason Vella (geodetica)

We are saddened to hear the loss of Maddy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all of your family.


Dave Cross




Paula Ganly

Robyn and Adrian I know that Maddy was a fighter. I am so sorry that she could not beat this insidious disease. My love and thoughts are with you and your entire family. This is a wonder gesture in her honour. Paula


Brian And Keri Howell


Katarina O’connor & Family


Kin, Jenessa And The Boys

Sending you all our love!


Susan Gurney

Thoughts are with at this sad time



Sending love, on behalf of Spencer and Lisa's Perth friends xx


Anne And Kevin Jayne

With our love ❤




Jen & Neil Madgwick

You have all our prayers and support at this very sad time. May your beautiful Maddy's smile remain in your memories and hearts forever xxx


Sophie Brissenden


Doug Newman

It has been a long road but I am convinced that what I have seen you all achieve as a family together in this time will impact not just for the rest of your days but for a generation yet to come. May you be blessed with peace in these next days. Doug and Julie


Sue And Chris Cutler

Thoughts are with you all at this sad time .


Hannah Gleadle


Joanne Holland


Caelum Doherty


Lisa Frankel

I will always cherish my memories I have with the exceptional Maddy. The world will never be as bright now she is not with us physically. My love and comfort to Adrian, Robyn, Gabby, Bailey and Spencer always




Naomi Gleadle


Carren Stapleton

May you find your way through this darkness and use the love you all shared to continue bring hope and peace to others.



Dear Adrian, Robyn, Gabby and Bailey. We are sending all our love to you during this time. Maddy was a dear childhood friend and brought so much joy to everyone around her. From the Gash family.


Scott And Jo Brown

Will always be in our hearts. A very brave positive young woman who was a real inspiration to us. We will miss you.


Jamuna Fletcher


Harry Brown


Courtney Stephens

Maddy, you were a shining ray of light. I’m heartbroken to hear that you are gone. I will forever remember that beautiful smile of yours that was always on your face, and the kind heart you had. Thank you for blessing us with your beautiful soul, the sky is shining a little brighter now xx


Gabby Marshall


Patsy And Andrew

I’m Jo’s friend from Bright sending condolences to all who loved Maddy. This photo tells me she was full of fun and happiness (just like Jo xx)


Caitlin Wann And Callum Sandison

With all our love.


Helen Clarke

Love from the Clarke's ❤️




Mandy Hughes

In memory of a brave and caring soul. Sending much love to you all xx


Ness Paynter

So so sorry for your loss of Maddy. Beautiful person who loved life. ❤️



With our love




Ailis Wann



Keeping Maddy and her lovely family in my thoughts.



In memory of one of the most beautiful people we have ever known. ❤️


Beth Mc

Sending our love to you all… went to the same gym as Robyn although we’ve never met. Her name on the leaderboard was very much a part of my 12RND experience. Can’t even imagine the heartbreak you all must feel.. Maddy is in our thoughts.


Jill Tuckerman

We love you all so much. David, Jill, Jack and Rhianna


Adrienne May


Pat Gleadle


Sheila Margrie

In loving memory of dear Maddy. ❤


Chelsea Timandi


Emily Pettett


Jonathan Dufty


Heidi Margrie

Sending all my love to the beautiful Marshall family. Mads holds such a special place in my heart x


Rhianna And Andy

We love you all x


Cherie And Justin. Xx

Always remembered, sending our love and support for a great foundation in loving memory of Maddi.💙


Lee Dwyer

Sending love and strength to you all, love Lee xx


Mitchell Fenwick




Jill Sellars


Ubx Boxing + Strength

Sending love from our family to yours xxx


Larissa & Greg Davis

Words will not wipe away your tears and hugs will not wipe away your pain, hold onto your memories because forever they will remain.


Anna Fielding


Adele Jurd

Blessed to have known you Maddy


Jane Smith

In memory of your beautiful Maddy.


Niamh Wann

All of my love, thoughts and prayers ❤️


Donna Lambert


Bridie Mcneill

Thinking of you all and sending love. Bridie xo


Leigh Gardiner (nee Williams)

Sending you all much love, and prayers for peace amidst the tumult.


Lucie Jones

Thinking of you all ❤️


Lisa Keeling

Much love to you all.


Eden Mcquiggin

With love, Eden and Andy


Mel & Leith Schmidt

Dear Robyn and Adrian, we are thinking of you in your sorrow over losing your dear Maddy. How horrible to lose a child. We hope your lovely memories from Maddy's all-too-short but wonderful life can go some way to dullen the pain and bring a smile back in your lives. Our sincerest condolences, Leith & Mel


Jennifer Maidorn


Hannah Jayne

All our love from Hannah, Ben and Archie 💕


Sue And Steve Edwards

What a great way to honour Maddy’s journey


The Wann Family

In loving memory of darling Maddy






Sam And Mitch

With all of our love and strength, Sam and Mitch xx


Belle Margrie



With love from Emmalee, Simon and Noah


Bailey Marshall


Hannah Griffiths

I'm honoured to have known you, Maddy. A funny, warm and free-spirited soul. My love to your family xx



My heart sank to my stomach when I heard this heartbreaking news. Though I never got to meet Maddy personally, Spencer was a good friend of mine in high school and we had recently been trying to catch up but it didn’t align. This is a stark reminder that time is precious and to love one another with all we’ve got. No parent should ever have to know the feeling of outliving their child and my thoughts are with Maddy’s parents, Spencer and everyone effected through this difficult time.


Ekaterina Müller


Caitie, Jem And Ellie

Maddy was such a wonderful friend to us, she (and her amazing anzac biscuits) will be sorely missed xx


Rod Batkin

A truly wonderful young lady. Fond memories from early cycling days. An inspiration…so sad to hear of Maddy’s passing.




Tash Kosev

We will always remember beautiful Maddy for all the good she brought to the world ❤️✨


Britt Lindores

Love you all!! Missing our Mads xx


Liz Fitch

Forever in my heart, forever missed and forever celebrated.




Adrian Marshall